Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Potatoes and Iron Age Technology.

Back in the winter I tried my hand at an old method for fencing, known was wattle. The people since the Iron Age have taken willow branches and woven them together to create fences for all purposes. Some craftsman still do this in the UK. I decided to build a container for my potatoes, and didn't want to use tires, so I thought about wattle. Not having willow branches at my disposal, I just used what ever branches I had. So this is what resulted.
They turned out looking very rustic, which give them a unique charm that you just can't get with some old tires. No offense to anyone who uses the tire method, I know it works very well. Today I took these pictures to show how my potatoes are doing.

All I've done is throw leaves and unfinished compost into the my potato basket, they seem to be growing rather well. We'll see what harvest they produce.


ATW said...

Pretty neat idea. I like it alot I will try something like this next year. I started potatoes in a bucket and they produced great foliage but not many tators. But great way of using raw material. This site is pretty awesome!!

Thomas said...

That's wicked good idea! I need to file that one in the back of my mind.