The back bed has a smattering of things, from pole beans to cucumbers
I haven't finished the layout yet, but this is more or less the way things are. I'll probably be able to grow more things in the fall winter and spring, than in the violent throes of the Texas summer. Denizens of Hell ask to back after staying awhile here in the sun.
Here's the front yard.
I rent this house, so I still have a useless hedge and useless Saint Augustine grass. If i owned the place they'd be gone! Still I've made some ok beds, this one has some more vine varieties to preserve what little space I have. I've got more beans, some melons and cucumbers and some zucchini just coming out.
My small forest of Tomatoes of varied varieties, along with a few other heat lovers. I really need to get some more peppers, they're the only things that really put up with all this heat.